Main Article Content
The article presents an assessment of heat resources in the southern Urals. A significant variability of the sum of active temperatures (from 1700 to 2800 degrees) is shown, 5 regions are allocated for the sum of active temperatures above 10oC with a step of 200 degrees. The results of zoning the territory of the southern Urals for cultivation of maize hybrids of different ripeness are presented. The territory of the southern Urals is divided into 5 zones: 1st zone low heat for ripening corn, the 2nd area with a heat sufficient for the cultivation of grain only early maturing hybrids of maize, the 3rd zone for the cultivation of grain early maturing and mid-season hybrids, 4th zone for the cultivation of grain early maturing, mid-season and mid-season hybrids and 5-th zone – the cultivation of grain early maturing, mid-season, mid-season and middle-late hybrids of maize. It is shown that it is expedient to place maize hybrids of different maturity groups in 3-5 zones, especially in farms with large areas. In the 1st zone, on elevated areas and on the southern slope of the relief, it is recommended to cultivate corn for the preparation of silage with grain of milk and milk-wax ripeness.
Article Details
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