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The article presents the results of research in 2011-2017 on the features of the vegetation period and its relationship with the grain yield in varieties of oats cultivated in the permafrost soils of the Central Yakutia. The aim of the research was to reveal the peculiarities of the length of the vegetative period of the varieties of the oat cultivated in the conditions of the Central Yakutia and its relationship with grain yield. Avena sativa L. – one of the leading grain crops used for fodder purposes in the permafrost zone of the Central Yakutia. Field studies in the nursery of competitive variety trials were carried out in 2011-2017 on the permafrost taiga-yellow soils of the Kangalasskyd district of the Central Yakutia. It was found that the main role in the overall phenotypic variation of the vegetation period in the Central Yakutia belongs to the conditions of vegetation – 63.9% and genotype (variety) - 28.5% (at 1% level of significance). In dry years, the reaction of the length of the vegetation period in oat varieties to weather conditions was more non-specific than in years with high moisture. In these years of research, the relationship between the length of the vegetation period and yield of grain was positive and significant at 1% level. In the conditions of Yakutia, there is a need to create adaptation programs in the crop industry to climate change, expand research related to stress resistance, modeling the joint action of stressors in the laboratory. New innovative approaches are needed that take into account information about the microbial community of a particular habitat (metagenomic technologies), the use of modern molecular biological methods based on the use of transcriptomic, metabolomic and proteomic analyses of plants.
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