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The article is devoted to antropoghenic degradation problem for chestnut soils in the Jeyranchol massive during desertification process background. The article’s author analyzes the chestnut soils of the Jeyranchol massive through the perennial soil monitoring results. The antropoghenic loading of the separete winter pasture areas is indicated and evaluated from land degradation standpoint through the statistical data and factual collected materials. The article’s author states that a negative effect of the exodynamic processes on the soil covers in the available natural-ecological background in the grew for last 50-60 years, and the soils exposed to different kinds of antropoghenic degradation. At the present, the human's perennial farming activity direction changes, the extensive cattle-breeding is replaced by the intensive agriculture. The exodynamic process, as well as defliation process influence, has been evaluated in the husbandry direction background in the article.
Article Details
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