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Bobur Ilkhomovich Abdullaev


The Study of regional and global changes in the components of the natural environment caused by man-made impact does not go without attention to the problem of contamination of the components of the natural environment with mercury, which is a waste of the first hazard class. This problem is so acute that various measures are being taken at the state level in different countries to reduce the level of mercury in the environment and its impact on humans. These measures include state regulation of mercury exports, phasing out the use of mercury in devices, and developing proposals to limit the use of mercury in production. However, there are still manufacturing plants that cannot replace mercury with any other alternative component. In the area of activity of such enterprises, there is a significant increase in mercury contamination of soil, soil and building structures. There is also a high proportion of mercury in medical waste. Various methods of mercury demercurization are being developed to minimize possible negative effects associated with mercury contamination. In this article, the author considers thermal methods of mercury demercurization and assesses their effectiveness in applying these methods.

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