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Г.И. Даянова Л.Д. Протопопова И.К. Егорова Н.Н. Никитина А.Н. Крылова


Reproduction and rational use of rural labor resources directly affect economic growth in the region, therefore, an objective analysis and assessment of the state of labor resources in the agricultural sector (AIC) as a guarantor of food security is an urgent task. The article examines the state, dynamic and structural trends of reproduction and use of labor resources in agriculture of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The influence of the socio-economic situation on the formation of labor resources in the countryside of the republic is revealed. Most rural residents do not receive a decent reward for their hard work, and thus cannot ensure the normal reproduction of new generations of workers. The level and state of social infrastructure in the rural areas of the republic is extremely behind. The problems of the formation of qualified personnel and the efficient use of labor resources have become aggravated. The formed agrarian labor market is largely unbalanced, does not contribute to the rational distribution of the labor resources of agriculture, and therefore needs to be regulated. In this regard, a number of proposals and recommendations have been developed to increase the employment of the rural population, improve the mechanism of reproduction of the agricultural labor force, using the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

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