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Станислав Алексеевич Владимиров Игорь Александрович Приходько Татьяна Ивановна Сафронова


Existing methods of assessing land use of resources in agriculture only for a single or small number of rates, as well as testing for coefficients in a narrow range of their application cannot give a sufficiently complete picture to assess comprehensively the effectiveness of land use and the stability of agricultural landscapes under increasing anthropogenic load. Analysis and systematic generalization of land fund registration methods in the design and operation of reclamation facilities prove convincingly the need to improve the traditional evaluation criteria (coefficients) of productive use of land resources. In this regard, the purpose of this work was to substantiate rates of environmentally balanced productive use of land resources and assess the effectiveness of approaches to sustainable development on the example of the rice industry. In the presented work, the following tasks were solved: the assessment of existing criteria was performed; new criteria and methods of determining the efficiency of land use were developed; the comprehensive integrated indicator (rate) of productive land use was developed. As a result, new criteria that are not related to price characteristics are proposed to agricultural production, design and operating organizations of agricultural landscapes. It is established that based on the developed coefficients, it is possible to assess objectively the structure of land use both in the system of agricultural landscapes, such as the Lower Kuban, and in their structural links, such as a crop rotation. The obtained data indicate that the developed method provides an idea not only about quantitative rates of land use efficiency, but also proves the validity of its application in identifying the qualitative direction of measures to increase land productivity.

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