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Ирина Федоровна Юрченко


The article discusses the current realities and prospects for improving automated management systems for complex land reclamation. The purpose of this work is to study the principles of creation and requirements for automation of management of the reclamation regime of agroecosystems, which ensures the maintenance of an optimal trajectory of changes in the multi-factor environment of plant growth and development. Performed information – analytical analysis of advanced technologies of agricultural production on the basis of which defined concepts and established entity :reclamation mode and the automated systems of management of agro-ecosystems; identify key principles and requirements for the development of the latter. Characterized the control system of the integrated reclamation of the agro-ecosystem as a management object and a set of problems solved with an automated control system that led to the formation of the design principles of the past. As part of the basic requirements for the formation of automated control systems by the reclamation regime of agroecosystems, the General principles of control automation are highlighted, which should correspond to the developed automated control system and the specialized principles inherent in this class of systems. Approaches to choosing a strategy for systematic automation of agricultural technologies and its possible forms are described. The role of the management object infrastructure in the development of automated control systems is shown. The author reveals the need to take into account previous experience in the development of land reclamation management systems, such as advanced Executive devices that regulate water, heat and power modes; local devices and automation systems; telemetric systems for centralized monitoring and management, etc., as well as modern methods of farming, such as adaptive landscape farming. The development of automated control systems based on theoretically justified and practically proven operating experience unified and systematized principles, the main provisions of which are presented in this article, greatly contributes to the effectiveness of automation and digitalization of management of the reclamation regime of agroecosystems.

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