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Раиса Григорьевна Ноздрачева Елена Юрьевна Кальченко Юлия Сергеевна Микулина


Plum fruit is a valuable food product with a high content of biologically active substance, micro - and macronutrients. In order to intensify horticulture, seedlings on low-growing rootstocks are required to increase the area under the plum trees in the structure of fruit plantations. Research on the selection of early-fruiting varieties and rootstocks that ensure high yields and fruit quality is relevant. The Voronezh state agrarian university named after Emperor Peter I conducts research aimed at selecting varieties and rootstock combinations of plums with economically useful characteristics and properties for industrial cultivation in the Central Black Soil Region. Objectives: to study the influence of plum varieties and rootstocks on the growth and development of trees in the garden; to determine their impact on the yield and quality of fruits. Objects: varieties Universalnaya, Vengerka Voronezhskaya, Souvenir Vostoka, Utro; seed rootstocks (cherry plum), clonal rootstocks - OP 23-23, SVG 11-19, VSV-1. Varieties and rootstocks have different effects on the growth and fruiting of plums in the garden. Clone rootstock VSV-1 reduces the parameters of the crown of plum plantations, and seed rootstocks (cherry plum) increase shoot formation and the total length of shoots by 30-57% compared to the studied rootstocks. The yield of the Souvenir of the East variety, on average for rootstocks, was 40.7 kg/d. The fruit weight was more than 50 g, which is higher than that of the Utro and Vengerka Voronezhskaya by 18-20 g. Analysis of the biochemical composition of plum fruit showed:

high sugar content in the fruit of the Souvenir Vostoka variety (17.6%); acidity index – Utro variety (1.8%); soluble solids – Universalnaya variety (19.0%) and Utro (20.0%); ascorbic acid – Souvenir Vostoka  (2.7 mg/100 g); indicator of the sugar acid index – Universalnaya and Vengerka Voronezhskaya varieties (20.5%); carotene – Souvenir Vostoka (0.7 mg/100 g) and Vengerka Voronezhskaya (0.8 mg/100 g); potassium (0.3%) (in dry weight) and phosphorus (0.15%) – In the fruits of the Vengerka Voronezhskaya variety.

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