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Валерий Петрович Власенко Виктор Дмитриевич Жуков Заира Руслановна Шеуджен


The article deals with the problem of soil fertility account when monitoring agricultural land against the background of degradation processes. Due to the lack of differentiation between the concepts of "land" and "soil", the specifics of observations of them lead to difficulties in accounting of changes in their qualitative and quantitative indicators, which caused the need for researches. Soil degradation manifests itself in their dehumification, erosion, and pollution, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the productive value of land. Losses from degradation, including man-made, in the period 1978-2016 amounted to 8.44 billion rubles. In this connection, the dynamics of the structure of the land Fund, the humus state of soils, the presence of nutrients and the content of heavy metals in soils are considered. The dynamics of humus content in the soils of the Azov-Kuban lowland showed a tendency to decrease from 3.9 % to 3.7 %, with fairly high values of approximation reliability (=0.6-0.9). An assessment of the production value of soils in Timashevsky district was given, which showed that when using the "standard" yield indicator, there is a large differentiation between the best and worst quality soils. The dynamics of the content of heavy metals in soils of the two most common agricultural landscapes of Krasnodar Territory is presented. It is concluded that monitoring of agricultural land can and should be a source of information about the state and use of soils. It is proposed to fill in the absence of solid soil survey materials with data obtained in the process of monitoring agricultural land.

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