Main Article Content
The article provides an analysis of changes of legislation in the field of state land supervision in the Russian Federation. The features of introducing a risk-oriented approach in the system of supervision over compliance with land legislation and the results of the state land supervision and municipal land control in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are presented. With the introduction of a risk-based approach while the area of agricultural land under land supervision reduced, the number of inspections has increased in 2019. In addition, the number of materials submitted for consideration to the department of state land supervision of the Office of Rosreestr in the Krasnoyarsk Territory from the bodies of municipal land control has increased. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of refusals to initiate cases of administrative offenses from 16% in 2016 to 23% in 2019. To reduce the burden on the state land supervision bodies, it is proposed to leave in their competence the powers to initiate cases of administrative offenses in relation to land plots belonging to the medium risk category, and the powers to initiate proceedings on administrative offenses in relation to land plots classified as low and of moderate risk, transferred to the municipal land control authorities.
Article Details
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