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Янина Викторовна Зайцева


The article analyzes the land Fund of Krasnodar territory, in particular, agricultural lands. The value of agricultural lands is sufficiently differentiated from its permitted use. It should be noted that the most typical group of offers for farmland is 30-200 thousand rubles per ha of total area, the maximum price for plots where there are buildings in addition to plantings (warehouses, a farmer's house, etc.), often the cost of such land includes the necessary agricultural equipment. Agricultural land plots with permitted use under real estate objects or with the possibility of development have a higher price, which sometimes approaches the cost of land of other categories (residential housing, industry, etc.), the most typical price range may be from 200-500 thousand rubles per 1 ha.

Prospects for use, namely the possibility of transferring lands to another category and use for housing construction, for production and storage facilities or roadside infrastructure, also have a significant impact on the cost of land plots. The average cost of a hectare of land plots, the best use of which involves transferring to another category and changing the type of permitted use, usually exceeds the average cost of land plots directly for agricultural production by several times.

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