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Игорь Александрович Приходько Артем Юрьевич Вербицкий Михаил Александрович Бандурин


The relevance of the development of existing ones and the creation of a new generation of multilayer composite panels is constantly increasing, which is due to the growing interest in the integration of these products into a number of sectors of the national economy, including agriculture, which ensures an increase in the quality of the products obtained and the stability of the crop. Nowadays, the role of the sandwich panel may be especially significant due to the pressing need for more sustainable agricultural systems that strive for high economic and environmental efficiency. In addition, in changing climatic conditions, sandwich technologies provide the necessary tools and sufficient conditions to support agricultural production, especially in protected agriculture, for example, greenhouse complexes. Agricultural producers are ready to switch to new agricultural technologies that are able to cope with the tasks of expanding and increasing the harvest, which will ensure higher incomes and preserve food security in Russia. Sandwich panels are
a cost-effective tool for solving various problems of the agricultural industry.
The high demand for these products, and their intensive use now and in the future, is beyond doubt, therefore there is an urgent need to establish the stability
of the "sandwich" panels. The paper proposes an experimental determination of the mechanical characteristics of the components of a sandwich-composite material used in the manufacture of circular plates of high rigidity using bending tests. The solution chosen for this "sandwich" -composite material was determined on the basis of design, technological and cost considerations. The article presents the results of tests that can be used in practice in a similar application, made using the same composite materials.

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