Main Article Content
The problems of the efficiency and reliability of the work of protective, regulatory and water intake structures of reclamation systems for the regions of the South of Russia and the North Caucasus are relevant. Many water intake and protective structures built on small rivers are in an unsatisfactory operational condition and need improvement and complete reconstruction. On the basis of the conducted analytical and field full-scale studies at the head structures of the foothill reclamation systems, the reasons for the low efficiency and reliability of the old water intake structures and protective and regulatory structures in operation were identified. New types of underground horizontal and underflow water intakes and protective structures, author's design, have been proposed for reclamation purposes. The technical parameters of the efficiency of new structures have been determined. The alluvial regimes of rivers, sedimentation tanks and hydraulic regimes of the head water intake structures have been investigated. Based on the results of the research, constructive and technological solutions have been prepared that help to effectively control sediment, increase the water intake coefficient and regulate water supply to irrigation canals. The design features of new water intakes and protective structures have a beneficial effect on river flow and the quality of irrigation water. The results of the studies carried out confirm the high efficiency and manufacturability of the proposed protective and regulatory structures, horizontal and underflow intakes, protected by patents for inventions. In the current year, the author's developments on these water intake structures for their implementation are included in the state grant program for the development of standard structures of hydraulic structures for reclamation systems. In the future, technical conditions and projects of standard structures for water intake and protective and regulatory structures for small reclamation systems of coastal zones will be developed.
Article Details
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