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Марина Александровна Нестеренко Анастасия Александровна Дементьева


The article describes the current state of the agro-industrial complex of the Krasnodar Territory, where the policy of the authorities presupposes the growth of competitiveness and modernization of the entire agro-food chain based on the integration of production, processing and scientific systems in accordance with economic and social realities. The purpose of the study is to reveal the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of intersectoral interaction within the framework of the transformation of the traditional economy as the main prerequisite for the formation of the bioeconomy of the region through cluster activation, provided for by the Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Krasnodar Territory until 2030. The study highlights the theoretical aspects of the concept of "bioeconomy", special attention is paid to the provisions of sectoral convergence in agriculture, since it is this industry that is assigned the primary role at the first possible stage of generation and use of bioeconomy products. In order to assess the level of convergence in agriculture of the Krasnodar Territory, a typology of farms was carried out: agricultural organizations were divided into three types in accordance with the share of crop and livestock production and taking into account the presence or absence of farm animals. A comparative characteristic of their activities is given. It has been determined that convergence - a synergistic relationship of industries in agriculture - can be considered as a factor of highly efficient development based on the use of mutual benefits of its industries, corresponding to conceptual principles in the context of bioeconomy. Within the framework of the design of the organizational and economic mechanism for the formation of the bioeconomy of the Krasnodar Territory, two stages are highlighted: the creation of a primary production and distribution chain of biomass; profile of the biomass value chain. In this connection, a module of priorities for the introduction of the initial provisions of bioeconomy into the economy of the Krasnodar Territory has been developed, including the following blocks: I. Organization and management; II. Vector directions of activity; III. Transition to digital technologies; IV. Activities outside the boundaries of the region. Organization and management; II. Vector directions of activity; III. Transition to digital technologies; IV. Activities outside the boundaries of the region.

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