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Дмитрий Иванович Жиляков


The article discusses the main international assessment methods that allow estimate the agriculture support in the country. The article's purpose is to make a comparative description of the OECD and WTO methods, to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the indicators, and to determine the need and promising directions for their use in Russian. The article defines the functions and directions of using indicators that are comparable in time and space: 1. indicators can be used to monitor and analyze the system of state regulation of the agricultural sector; 2. indicators form a unified basis for discussing agricultural policy issues at the international level; 3. indicators allow to comprehensively assess the level of state regulation of agriculture; 4. indicators are used in scientific economic research to assess the impact of government regulation. Author had analyzed producer support to  the OECD method, identified differences that allow him to group: intended recipients of transfers, units of measurement and type of aggregation. In the article author had estimated method state support with the WTO rules, had defined the differences between product-specific and product-nonspecific aggregated support indicator. The methods are based on the reflection of various types of state support in the system of linked indicators, and the indicators calculated on their basis in some countries coincide, but, nevertheless, to form correct conclusions, their fundamental difference should be noted - as in different purposes, areas of application and action, and due to the use of different methods of construction, measurement and economic analysis. Author was revealed that the OECD methodology is more of an analytical tool, while the WTO methodology has a legal character.

Article Details



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