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Александр Александрович Солодунов Михаил Александрович Бандурин Ахмед Асланович Сидаков


The Krasnodar reservoir is intended for a complex purpose, one of the main tasks of which is the flood control function. In accordance with the current regulatory documents, at the time of putting the reservoir into operation, it corresponded to the 2nd class. The flood capacity and the flood passing regime made it possible to pass the standard flood of 0.1% of availability. After the tightening of requirements for the safety of hydraulic structures in the late 1980s, the reservoir had to be converted to class 1 facilities, i.e. should pass 0.01% of flood availability in an accident-free mode. The reservoir carries out seasonal regulation of the river flow. Kuban, which means the annual drawdown of the reservoir up to ULV and its subsequent filling by the beginning of the growing season, because irrigation of agricultural crops is the main function of economic activity and the most water-intensive. That is, annually, by the end of the growing season, up to 75% of the reservoir basin area is without a layer of water. If before 1992 this period was 4 months, of which no more than half of moisture-loving plants accounted for the active growing season, then after the decrease in the NPC it increased by 6 and 4 months, respectively. For 4 months of active growth, reeds, willows and other moisture-loving vegetation have time to grow by 80-100 cm and do not die during the subsequent filling of the reservoir, i.e. its tops are above the water even in the case of NPU. This situation has led to an increase in the intensity of overgrowth in shallow water areas. Considering the shortage of water resources in the Kuban River basin, changing the discharge regime is practically impossible due to the fact that at present the volume of irreversible runoff from the Kuban was exceeded by 4.2 times in comparison with the permissible. Necessary releases into the lower reach of the reservoir are carried out in full compliance with the rules for the use of water resources and there are no additional volumes of water that would allow changing (increasing) discharges. Therefore, changing the discharge regime even while saving water resources is impossible.

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