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Игорь Александрович Приходько Михаил Александрович Бандурин Артем Юрьевич Вербицкий


Biomass ranks sixth in terms of available energy sources. However, the use of biomass leads to environmental pollution. Logging residues are an alternative to plant biomass of various origins. They differ significantly from other previously used plant materials. This difference is due to the heterogeneous composition and relatively large size of individual particles. The inhomogeneous physical properties of the raw material in the form of crushed logging residues and its composition can cause serious problems in its further use. As a result of the research, it was found that the elemental composition of logging residues (low nitrogen and ash content) is suitable for raw materials intended for use in the energy sector. The possibility of using this raw material for the production of briquettes was also determined and a correlation was established between the physical properties of the final product. , parameters of raw materials and briquetting process. The material for testing was wood chips with a moisture content of 10%, 15%, 20%, pressed in a closed chamber at temperatures of 22, 73, and 103 ° C at a specific pressure of 65 MPa. The best results were obtained with a material moisture content of 10%. It was found that the temperature of wood chips during agglomeration affects the degree of compaction and mechanical strength of the resulting briquettes. Compaction is more profitable at a higher temperature. The study also determined the effect of the fractional composition of the briquetted mixture, divided into size groups of 0–1, 1–4, 4–8 and 8–16 mm, its humidity and process temperature on the mechanical strength of the product. Based on the results obtained, the most favorable fractional composition of the briquetted mixture, its moisture content and the temperature of the compaction process were determined.

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