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Борис Александрович Воронин Ирина Павловна Чупина Яна Викторовна Воронина Елена Васильевна Зарубина Наталья Николаевна Симачкова


The topic of this scientific article is relevant, since the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation in terms of goals and objectives is a relevant legal act that determines the forecast of the strategic development of Russian agriculture for the long term. The scientific novelty of the topic of this study lies in the fact that from a set of tasks related to ensuring food security, the state and forecasts of the development of Russian agriculture are analyzed in more detail as a rational factor in the full implementation of the Doctrine of Food Security. The aim of the study is to analyze the legal framework for the organization of production and economic activities of agricultural producers, capable of filling the country's food fund with domestic agricultural products and food, which will contribute to the actual solution of the problem of food security of the Russian state. The objectives of the study are to identify the effectiveness of legislative and other regulatory legal acts that determine the strategic development of agricultural production, ensuring the implementation of the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation. The theoretical significance of this work is due to the introduction of research material into the science of agrarian law and the science of agrarian economics. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using the research results in the educational process in the institutions of agricultural education and in the agricultural management system. The article uses the following research methods: methods of analysis and synthesis are used for comparative characteristics of the Food Security Doctrine. The forecasting method was used in the strategic development of the country's food security. The method of generalization reveals the general patterns of development of agricultural producers in the implementation of the Doctrine of food security.

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