Main Article Content
The article reveals the concepts of digital transformation of the agro-food complex and its impact on the sustainable development of territories. The modern period of the state of the world economy is characterized by an active transformation of institutions and mechanisms of public administration, which is one of the stages of digital development. Russia's share in the group of leaders in the development of the digital economy is about 3.9% of the country's GDP, which is 2.5 times lower than that of the leading countries. But there are positive trends, and digital trends concern all spheres, forms of management and their sizes. The changes concern both fundamental and applied aspects of the theory and practice of agrarian relations, their formation in the direction of digital, modern world economic processes.
Currently, the scientific justification and development of approaches to digital transformation are based on changing things and automation of production, on the creation of "smart enterprises", digital modeling and design, machine learning, technologies that allow remote access to information, the workplace, cross-channel technologies that allow using mobile devices more efficiently.
However, digital technologies will rather not replace the existing types of economic operations, but will help them become more efficient, at the expense of the existing untapped potential.
The creation of pilot decision support systems for agricultural enterprises and small businesses should be based on the modular construction principle. Digitalization of the agricultural sector of the economy will contribute to the development of human capital in rural areas, the progress of regions, and the growth of the welfare of the population.
Article Details
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