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Тамара Владиславовна Симакова


The article reveals the features of the formation of a land plot with special conditions for the use of the territory. The correct approach in the formation of such areas ensures the safety and favorable conditions for human life, limits the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment. Information about the relation of a land plot to zones with special conditions for the use of the territory is one of the most important for the owners of such land plots, not only for their correct use, but also for protecting the life and health of citizens. It is important for the state that complete and reliable information on land plots is entered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate Objects, which allows making timely management decisions in organizing the use of real estate in order to form a taxation system and rational use of land. The formed land plot for the aerodrome territory of the civil airfield "Plekhanovo" is located in the southwestern part of the city of Tyumen and 8 km from the administrative center. The result of the work is a comprehensive analysis of the procedure for the formation of a land plot with special conditions for the use of the territory and the organization of land use within the boundaries established by subzones. When analyzing the use of land plots within the boundaries of the established subzones, violations were found in the fifth and seventh subzones. Based on the established features, it should be noted that the formation of a land plot for the aerodrome territory has a certain specificity, taking into account, which the requirements established by regulatory and legislative regulations are not always observed in practice.

Article Details



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