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Н.В. Шарапова О.С. Горбунова Ю.В. Малькова


The article examines the business plan of a peasant (farm) economy using the example of the sheep breeding industry. Calculations and corresponding conclusions are made in the context of each section of the business plan. In a market economy, it is impossible to achieve positive results without planning and forecasting their activities [5]. Currently, there are no organizations that do not draw up a business plan. Therefore, the development of a business plan is necessary in a market economy. A positive decision on the allocation of funds depends on how competently the business plan is drawn up. This material can be used or be a tool for drawing up a business plan for a peasant (farm) economy in educational institutions. As of January 1, 2021, 1,573 units were registered in the Sverdlovsk region. peasant (farm) households, which is 23% less than in 2016 (2045 units) [3]. The number of sheep and goats in peasant (farm) households as of January 1, 2021, compared to 2016, decreased by 62% and amounted to 2.8 thousand heads [3]. In the Sverdlovsk region, the largest share of the sheep meat sales market is occupied by farms from other regions, for example, from the Republic of Adygea, the Republic of Kalmykia and others. Although the production of this industry is poorly developed in the region, sheep meat is in high demand among the restaurant business, buyers, and most importantly, production does not require large investments and is notable for its low cost. In addition, the natural and climatic conditions of the region make it possible to breed sheep. Therefore, it is necessary to develop this area of ​​activity.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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