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Владислав Хасенович Мишхожев Анатолий Шахбанович Тешев Хасанш Карнеевич Каздохов Аслан Анатольевич Кумахов Каземир Владиславович Мишхожев


The article discusses the issues of improving the mechanization of animal husbandry, namely the issue of feed preparation. The Russian livestock industry is in particular need of technological modernization, since, with the necessary resources, it does not meet the needs of the country's population for basic animal products: imports of these products exceed 40% of annual consumption. Moreover, even with such high imports, per capita consumption of animal products does not meet medical standards [1].

        The main means of intensification of the production process in animal husbandry are feed (the amount and quality of their metabolic energy balance but raw protein and other components), the effectiveness of which requires optimization of methods and conditions of animal husbandry, their veterinary support based on constant monitoring of health.

       The main direction of the development of animal husbandry technologies and their transfer to the rank of precision (precision) is the use in the management of production processes of the latest achievements in the field of electronics and information technology, observation and study of the condition of animals and thereby improving the quality of technological operations, maintaining health and increasing the effective functioning of animals, increasing the productivity of farm personnel. In particular, equipping machines for the preparation and distribution of feed with electronic weighing devices, working bodies for self-loading, grinding, mixing and metered delivery of complete feed mixtures to animals will allow managing the production process on cattle farms.

       One of the main trends in the development of equipment for dairy and beef cattle breeding is the development and production of machines for the preparation and distribution of feed that are diverse in design and functionality. This provides producers with ample opportunities to complete the optimal composition of the fleet of equipment for effective animal feeding, taking into account all the features of each enterprise: farm size, specialization, level of infrastructure development, technical equipment, feeding technology, feed rations, etc.

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