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Кристина Сергеевна Четверова


The article presents the results of assessing the state of the material and technical base of the integrated structures of the agro-industrial complex. The description of the essence of integrated agro-industrial formations is given. The description of the essence of integrated agro-industrial formations is given. In the course of the study, it was found that the management of integrated structures is more focused on the expanded reproduction of elements of the material and technical base due to the fact that capital investments not only motivate, but also form a real basis for the high-quality creation of a machine and tractor fleet in the agricultural sector, for due to its replenishment with high-performance types of tractors, agricultural machines and aggregates, technical and technological modernization and reconstruction of industrial buildings and structures. To achieve the goals and organize effective activities, the integrated structures of the Voronezh region need not only to form and rationally use the elements of the material and technical base, but also to take into account the optimality of their combination and the uneven distribution between the participating enterprises, depending on the size, specialization, impact on the profitability of the agro-industrial formation. The features of the formation of the material and technical base (MTB) are revealed on the example of the GC «Verkhnekhavsky agricultural holding». The directions of modernization of MTB in integrated structures and organizational and economic measures necessary for sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex have been determined.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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