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Н. Н. Солодков А. А. Малышев Н. А. Коробкова


The article highlights the conceptual and methodological problems of sustainable development of Russian regions. The relevance of the study is due to the need to solve the main social and environmental problems in the framework of the economic development of the regions. The solution of the main socio-economic problems is impossible without the solution of the most important environmental problems. At the same time, the problems are closely related to each other and require systemic nonlinear solutions. Historical information on the formation of the modern concept of sustainable development is presented. Based on a comparison of data on the ecological footprint and the human capital development index, the article presents the position of Russian regions in relation to the zone of minimum values of sustainable development. The features of the geography of exploitation and export of natural resources in terms of carbon dioxide emissions are presented. The main directions of the implementation of regional policy on the basis of a balance approach to socio-ecological-economic systems are shown.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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