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Кирилл Валерьевич Томилин Галина Сергеевна Бондарева Николай Сергеевич Бондарев


Theorization of the concept of "land potential" is considered from various positions, using an economic bias, economic and environmental shade, time perspective. Along with "land potential", the concept of "land resource" is considered as the most frequently used analogue in terminology. The article presents the distinctive characteristics of the land resource and land potential, consisting in the content component, namely, the land resource acts as a kind of characteristic of the properties of the land as a factor of production, while the land potential enriches it with a functional component, economic opportunities, and the implementation of production functions. Differences in concepts made it possible to form elements of land potential, indicate a temporal characteristic, highlight long-term and short-term periods. It is concluded that there is a strong relationship between the actual (current) use of land and its topsoil and land potential. Land potential assumes in its content land as a resource, land potential management should provide for the reproduction of land resources. On the basis of the research, the author's definition of land potential was formulated as a set of qualities and properties of the land, allowing it to be used for private and socially useful purposes and predetermining the nature and labor costs applicable to it, as well as technical, technological and other means of production.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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