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Лариса Михайловна Петрова


In connection with the economic sanctions of the United States and the European Union, Russia imposed an embargo, closed almost the entire market of food products coming from other countries, implemented large-scale measures of state support for the agricultural sector. In this regard, the article is devoted to the analysis of the level of economic accessibility of basic food products of domestic production in accordance with the norms of food consumption that meet modern requirements of healthy nutrition; analysis of the share of imports and exports in food commodity resources. The author examines the implementation of the "Food Security Doctrine" program for several types of products by Federal Districts, the Central Chernozem Economic Region, and the country as a whole. The novelty of the study lies in analytical calculations in order to obtain actual indicators of saturation of the domestic market with certain types of food and further increase production for agricultural exports; replenishment the shortage of certain types of food products through the development of branches of the agro-industrial complex with the involvement of domestic and foreign investments.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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