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Николай Геннадьевич Платоновский Рафаил Рувинович Мухаметзянов Гульнара Каримхановна Джанчарова Наталия Вениаминовна Арзамасцева Елена Николаевна Васильева Наталья Николаевна Иванцова


The European Union (EU) occupies a significant position in the world market of fruit and berry products both in terms of its production volumes and international trade. Currently, this integration association includes 27 European states. Based on the statistical data of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, for 1961-2019, we examined changes in the volume and structure of fruit and berry production, as well as its exports and imports, in the EU-27 countries. The authors identified a number of trends, in particular, it was noted that in 2019 compared to 1961. the total gross fruit and berry harvests in the world as a whole increased by 4.42 times, while in the European Union - by 1.26 times. In physical terms, the global parameters of exports of goods of the food group studied by us increased by 7.97 times, and its imports by 7.83 times. In the EU-27, the same indicators in 2019 compared to 1961 were 6.66 times and 5.90 times higher, respectively. However, despite a slight reduction in the importance of the European Union in the positions we are considering, in the future, including long-term, this integration association will remain one of the largest subjects of the world market of fruit and berry products.

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Crop husbandry


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