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Аслан Каральбиевич Апажев Хасанби Гидович Куржиев Юрий Ахметханович Шекихачев Лиуан Мухажевич Хажметов Людмила Зачиевна Шекихачева


At the present stage, in order to obtain the planned yields, it is becoming increasingly important to optimize the phytosanitary situation through the use of the achievements of modern science in combination with organizational and agrotechnical measures aimed at minimizing the use of plant protection chemicals. In this regard, the article presents the results of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of various biological preparations in the cultivation of corn in the conditions of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. In particular, the influence of entomophages on corn productivity and on susceptibility to diseases and grain quality was studied. In the course of research in the regional departments of the branch "Rosselkhoztsentr" in the KBR, demonstration experiments were carried out to assess the influence of entomophages produced at the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Rosselkhoztsentr" in KBR, the purpose of which is to study the influence of entomophages Trichogramma (a small insect that belongs to the family of Trichogrammatids, superfamily chalcid , the order of Hymenoptera, less than a millimeter (0.4 ... 0.9 mm), brown, yellow and black, red eyes) and Gabrobracon (a small insect (2-3 mm) from the order of Hymenoptera family Braconidae) on the yield and quality of seeds corn. The use of Trichogramma is the first step towards the production of environmentally friendly products. Trichogramma saves farmers from the need to use chemical crop protection products, reduce losses and increase crop yields. Trichogramma is the main means of biological control of the cotton bollworm, meadow moth, corn stalk moth, cabbage whiteworm and scoop, codling moth and other pests on cereals, industrial crops, legumes, vegetables and fruit crops. As a result of the studies, it was found that when using entomophages against cotton bollworm, the efficiency was 85%. The effectiveness of the use of the entomophage Gabrobracon is much higher than the use of insecticides. In addition, it has been shown that at present, the introduction of trichogramma using drones is the most modern and effective way of biological protection of agricultural plants from harmful insects. The main advantage of using drones for the introduction of biological products is the accuracy of the introduction of the substance, efficiency and economy of human resources.

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Crop husbandry


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