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Дмитрий Юрьевич Попов


The article analyzes the main indicators of the potato industry in the world potato market, including gross yields, acreage, potato yield. The countries with the greatest growth and the greatest decline in these indicators over a seven-year period have been identified. The prices of potato sales and their dynamics in the context of the leading countries for potato production are considered. The main reasons for the lag in potato sales prices in the Russian Federation from other countries were identified. The channels of potato use in the leading countries for potato production are investigated by considering the balances of food resources that reflect the movement of products from the moment of production to the period of final use for various purposes. Indicators of the provision of the population of the countries with potatoes were presented. Countries with potato overproduction per capita, such as Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, as well as countries that do not sufficiently cover the country's potato needs, have been identified. These countries include India and China. Based on the analysis and comparison with other countries, the current problems and trends in the development of the potato market in Russia were identified.

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Food science


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