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Михаил Сергеевич Зверьков


During the operation of reclamation systems and facilities, it becomes necessary to monitor the indicators of their condition regularly. The analysis of these indicators requires their regular updating, which encounters difficulties in practice often. The solution of the problem is possible through the digitalization of the reclamation. One of the areas of digital reclamation (e-reclamation) can be the development of digital information models of reclamation systems and facilities at the operational stage of their life cycle. This requires the collection and analysis of big data. The collection is possible with the use of modern technologies, for example, remote sensing of the Earth, unmanned aerial vehicles. The algorithm for monitoring a reclamation systems and facilities using remote technologies is proposed and considered in a general form in the article. This algorithm can be used as a basis for the development of detailed algorithms for creating digital information models of irrigation and drainage systems and separately located hydraulic structures (facilities). The results of the inspection of a center-pivot irrigation system in 2020–2021 are presented in the article. It is noted that the data obtained as a result of the inspection can be used for the creation of digital information model of the reclamation system and for retrospective analysis of the efficiency and safety of its operation.

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Land economics and policies


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