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Ольга Викторовна Богданова


The article is devoted to the unification of tourism and protected areas, which includes the combination of meeting demand and preserving the historical vital activity of the territory, i.e. the advent of anthropogenicity should not affect the long-term course of natural processes. The purpose of this study is to analyze the main provisions of ecological tourism in Russia and abroad. The tourism industry, being one of the most dynamic sectors of the world economy, has a stimulating effect on the development of key industries: transport and communications, construction, agriculture, the production of consumer goods, which is estimated by a significant multiplier effect, acts as a catalyst for socio-economic development, directly and indirectly contributes to improving the quality of life of the population. The practical significance of the study lies in solving the problem of the low level of development of ecological tourism in Russia, in particular in the territories of protected areas. The study proves that this type of tourism is possible and acceptable even at nature protection sites. Also, the significance lies in drawing attention to this type of replenishment of the regional and municipal budget.

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Natural resources


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