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Борис Александрович Воронин Ирина Павловна Чупина Яна Викторовна Воронина Елена Васильевна Зарубина Наталья Николаевна Симачкова


Food security in general and on a regional scale has now become an important problem throughout the world, since the stability and well-being of each country depends on its solution. Food security is one of the leading directions of the national security of the country and the most important component of demographic policy in the regional aspect.

       The task of the state in the field of food self-sufficiency is to ensure that the level of exports exceeds the level of imported food products, which is still an unresolved problem. Already now, the production capabilities of agricultural production make it possible to meet the needs of the population with domestic products for dairy products, potatoes and poultry products. But for meat products, more than 40% of imported products continue to arrive in the regions of the country.

       The volume of domestic agricultural production largely depends on the provision of agricultural enterprises with agricultural machinery, mineral fertilizers, on the level of electricity tariffs, and on the level of state support.

       The main production of agricultural products in the Sverdlovsk region belongs to agricultural organizations and peasant (farm) enterprises. The basis of the activities of farms and personal subsidiary plots is the cultivation of vegetables. In the households of the population, an average of 60% of potatoes and open ground vegetables is grown from the total volume in the region.

       In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, all agricultural enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region, including farms, have switched to a closed mode of operation since 2020. This led to certain difficulties with the sale of products. But there was no decrease in production volumes, since the level of state support helped to maintain the same production volumes. State support was also allocated to improve the genetic potential of the dairy herd.

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