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Елена Александровна Погребцова


In this period it is necessary to increase labor motivation of employees in crop and livestock production. Only an enthusiastic specialist will work effectively and benefit the organization. Positive result of enterprise activity depends not only on the use of digital technologies, but to a large extent on the ability to apply them by employees. The head of the agricultural organization must understand that the transition to innovative means of labor in crop and livestock production should be carried out in parallel with the explanation of the importance of these processes. Thus one of the tasks of the head of the enterprise is the search of optimal variants of management of labor of employees through motivation. In our country the basis of labor motivation is a material benefit. That's why it is very important to develop and apply in practice the methodology of motivational monitoring of employees' interest in agricultural industries.

In the article the author considered the concept of "motivation" and "motivational monitoring at the enterprise". Particular attention is paid to the stages of motivational monitoring on the example of the crop industry of the current agricultural enterprise. The system of motivational monitoring takes into account the peculiarities of agricultural production.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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