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Алексей Андреевич Белов Елена Сергеевна Кузьмина


The article discusses the possibility and prospects of using digital technologies and advanced tillage systems in the crop production industry in the Novosibirsk region, provides an overview of the current situation and key areas of development of related industries necessary to make the most effective transition to a new stage of development of the industry. The agro-industrial industry is knowledge-intensive, almost all elements of the input and output of which are subject to digital technology. Thanks to digital technologies, a huge amount of data is generated, collected and accumulated by agricultural producers. The most important component of the mechanism of economic management of grain production in the Novosibirsk region is the ability to reduce the costs of farmers through the introduction of modern end-to-end digital technologies. It is necessary to accurately describe the optimal type of economy of the Novosibirsk region, which allows to ensure: accurate, transparent and efficient budget turnover; high profit of the agro-industrial complex; increase the volume of agricultural turnover; rationalize the use of land plots. Many problems, to some extent, can be solved with the introduction of No-Till (zero tillage system) and Mini-till (minimum tillage system) technologies into agriculture. These technologies make it possible to: dramatically reduce the harmful effects of water and wind erosion; preserve soil fertility for future generations; obtain a sustainable crop yield even in dry years; significantly reduce the cost of fuels and lubricants, as well as fertilizers, pesticides, etc.; reduce capital costs for the purchase of agricultural machinery and operating costs for its maintenance; increase the profitability of agricultural production. No-till and Mini-till are promising technologies for the future of agriculture. The whole civilized world, concerned about the problems of soil fertility loss, is moving towards resource-saving cultivation technologies.

Article Details

Crop husbandry


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