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Ирина Федоровна Юрченко


The publication presents the results of the analysis of the current state of digital solutions in the field of reclaimed agriculture, the expected results of the digitalization process, taking into account the strategic tasks being solved by domestic farmers, as well as the level of competence of reclamation organizations and the factors constraining their achievement. The object of research was the processes of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, the subject was digital solutions in the field of reclamation activities of agricultural production. The materials of the research work were: the departmental program of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia "Digital Agriculture", publications of domestic and foreign authors from open sources, information on the development, implementation and operation of information and communication technologies in agriculture. Comparative, logical and systematic approaches were used as basic research methods. A significant gap has been revealed between Russia in terms of digitalization of agricultural production from advanced countries that occupy leading positions in the ranking of the introduction of digital solutions in agriculture. The general trends of opportunities and challenges of digitalization of the sphere of reclamation activity of the Russian Federation are characterized. The expected results of the widespread introduction of digital technologies into the practice of agricultural production are systematized and generalized. It is shown that ensuring a significant increase in the efficiency and sustainability of the crop production system requires significant changes in the quality of management of technological processes and decision-making procedures due to the increasing capabilities of intelligent digital systems and robotics.

Article Details

Land economics and policies


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