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Юлия Александровна Макурина Сергей Александрович Шелковников


Rural territories play an important role in the development of Russia. In the past ten years, the Russian government has been actively using a program-targeted approach, which has led to the emergence of a number of federal regulatory documents aimed at developing agriculture and improving the living standards of the rural population. The article examines the state regional programs for the Integrated Development of Rural Territories in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The compliance of the target indicators of regional programs / subprograms with the target indicators of the state program "Integrated Development of Rural Territories" was revealed and the dynamics of changes in the initially set values ​​of the target indicators was analyzed. In the context of departmental projects and departmental target programs, the presence of ongoing activities as part of regional programs / subprograms of the Integrated Development of Rural Territories in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was analyzed. The analysis used target indicators that characterize the size of the rural population, the available resources of rural households, the provision of residential premises in rural settlements with all types of improvement, as well as other target indicators that are not included in the State Program for the Comprehensive Development of Rural Territories, but included by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in their regional programs. As a result of the study, it was found that not all subjects of the Russian Federation that have approved their regional programs / subprograms for the integrated development of rural areas approve targets similar to those of the state program. Separately, it is worth noting the presence of programs of the subjects of the Russian Federation, in which the goals of the state program are not approved, but their own other targets are approved. As a result, the goals of the state program at the regional level are not achieved.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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