Main Article Content
The article substantiates the strategic importance of food and processing industries for providing the population of the region with food. The factors influencing the creation and development of food and processing industries in the industrial region are systematized. The conditions influencing the development of food production in the region are identified and their ranking according to the degree of importance on the economic and social result of the functioning of the economy is carried out.
The necessity of introducing a new type of subsidy for food and processing industries, the target indicator of which is the revenue from sales of enterprises engaged in this type of activity, is substantiated. The implementation of this proposal at the regional level will become the main point of growth for the production of new food products that meet the modern needs of the population in urban conditions – individually packaged, purified, portioned, prepared for further culinary processing or ready for consumption.
In order to increase the efficiency of food enterprises and meet the needs of the population, as well as the efficiency of participation of all subjects of this process, an electronic digital platform (digital service) has been developed, which will provide online not only information support on options for creating new food and processing industries, but also the selection of a suitable investment project. Food and processing organizations will be able to interact with potential investors and consumers of different groups. Consumers will have access to information about manufacturers and their products, the possibility of purchasing products online, the delivery of which can be arranged through logistics centers. The Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kemerovo Region – Kuzbass will act as a coordinator and regulator of the interaction of subjects on the digital service, while technical support for the development and further maintenance of the platform will be provided by the Kemerovo Region –Kuzbass GAU "My Business".
Article Details
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