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In the context of tougher sanctions against Russia, the issue of food security of the state comes to the fore. Due to the significant reduction in food imports, it is important to develop measures for import substitution, primarily meat products. Animal husbandry and poultry farming play an important role in this issue. The most precocious branch of animal husbandry is pig breeding. In our country, a significant share of pork production is allocated to small, medium and large farms. At these enterprises, depending on the technologies of animal husbandry, significant volumes of liquid, semi-liquid and litter manure are produced. Due to the strengthening of environmental control, increased attention should be paid to the processing of liquid manure from pig farms. To separate liquid manure into fractions, as the most effective method of its processing, compact installations should be used that organically fit into the technological process of pork production. Such installations include a brush auger as part of a mobile unit. The efficient operation of the brush auger is ensured by the choice of its rational technological and design parameters. Based on the output of the obtained volumes of liquid manure on farms and the replaceable capacity of the mobile unit up to 40 m3/hour, its design parameters were determined: the length of the brush auger is 4.5 m, the diameter of the auger is 0.3 m, the pitch of the auger turns is 0.15 m.
Article Details
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