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Елена Вячеславовна Черкашина Анастасия Николаевна Шурухина


 The essential oil industry has been accompanying most areas of human activity for a long time: medicine, cosmetology, food industry, leather production and many others. Currently, the industry is on the path of revival, the main region specializing in this area is the Republic of Crimea. Lavender angustifolia is one of the most popular crops both in Russia and abroad, and its raw materials are one of the most in demand. Lavender is one of those essential oil and medicinal crops that do not impose special requirements for cultivation. To meet the needs of both the domestic market and the export of raw materials and products to foreign consumers, it is necessary to search for options for cultivating this crop in a larger volume and improving the quality of the raw materials obtained. The article discusses one of the options for growing lavender at different heights above sea level. Due to the established criteria for determining the suitability of land plots for the cultivation of lavender and the selected varietal base, land plots were selected in JSC «Alushta ether-oil State Farm-Plant» for further use for the cultivation of this crop. The profit of an agricultural organization planning to expand plantations for lavender cultivation is also calculated.

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Land economics and policies


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