Main Article Content
The article is devoted to topical issues of the spatial organization of cultural landscape metageosystems for the purposes of optimizing regional land use. The experience of polarization of the northern forest-steppe of the western slopes of the layered-tier Volga Upland and the marginal part of the forest geosystems of the layered Oka-Don lowland within the boundaries of the Republic of Mordovia is presented in the article. The authors proposed a system of methods based on the principles of geoinformation modeling, analysis of Earth remote sensing data, calculation of morphometry of geosystems and biological diversity, analysis of economic development processes, geoecological problems and destructive processes. A digital model of geoecological polarization of geosystems for the purposes of sustainable development and optimization of the system of regional land use with the allocation of the structure of the economic framework and zones of ecological balance is proposed as a result of the research. The geographic information system (GIS) «Mordovia» is used as a basic resource. The electronic synthetic landscape map is the main module. The typological classification of geosystems at the level of systems (subsystems), classes (subclasses), types (subtypes), genera (subgenera) is the basis of its functioning. The landscape module in the regional GIS was supplemented with thematic blocks «Geoecology of the economic framework», «Geodiagnostics of zones of ecological balance and biodiversity» and «Calculation of morphometric landscape indicators» for the purposes of the research. These blocks provide systematization and interpretation of heterogeneous geodata to determine the spatial configuration, geoecological analysis and forecast of the functioning of the structural elements of the economic framework and zones of ecological balance of different orders. The results of the research can be used to optimize the system of territorial planning, regional land use and planning of cultural landscapes.
Article Details
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