Main Article Content
The state estimate of the regional food security and performing functions of food demand and supply have been made. The ensuring of the region with agricultural products of its own production was comprehensively assessed by the system of generalized indicators. The assessment was conducted on the basis of generally accepted criteria reflecting all the main aspects of food security, namely, self-sufficiency, independence (dependence), sufficiency, availability and quality of products.
Article Details
1. Chekavinsky AN Food security of the Vologda region state and problems // Issues of territo-rial development. - No. 3. - 2013. - P.1-7
2. Baranenko SP, Busygin K.D. Ensuring food security based on the development of planning and forecasting their activities // Economics and society: modern models of development. No. 8-1. - 2014. - P.149-160
3. Yunusova P.S. Regional level of food security: specifics, security factors // National inter-ests: priorities and security. - 2009. - No. 16. - P.59-64
4. Rodomanskaya S.A. Preservation of soil safety of agricultural lands of the Amur Region as a basis for regional food security // AgroEcoInfo: network journal. - 2018. [Electronic re-source]. (application date: 04/19/2018)
5. Official site of the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Amur Re-gion [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of the appeal: 05/10/2018)
6. The site of the Government of the Amur Region [Electronic resource]. - iogv / ministry / prr / report / (circulation date 15.01.2018)
7. Pashina LL, Ensuring the food security of the region // Far-Ages Agricultural Bulletin. - 2010. - No. 4 (16). - P.66-74
8. Dontsov AV, Rodomanskaya SA, Shirokov VA Regional aspects of erosion of agricultural lands and land use of the Amur Region. - Blagoveshchensk: DalGaU. - 2010. - 273 with.
9. Pashina L. L. Features of the food market in the Amur region // Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University .- Т. 76.- № 2.- 2011.- P. 96-101.
10. Antamoshkina, E.N., Evaluation of Food Security in the Region: Questions of Methodology, Food Policy and Security .- Т. 2.- No. 2.-2015. - P. 97-112
11. Nesterova SI Integral assessment of food security in the region (by the example of the Sama-ra Region) // Statistics and Economics .- No. 6.- 2015.- P. 95-99
12. Ibragimov M.-T. A., Doholyan S. V. Methodical approaches to assessing the condition of food security of the region // Regional problems of economic transformation. - No. 4. - 2010. - P. 172-193
13. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2010 No. 120 "On the Ap-proval of the Doctrine of food security of the Russian Federation" // SZ RF. - 2010. - No. 5. - Art. 502
14. Kolesnikova E.G. The level of self-sufficiency of food as a criterion for the performance of the productive function of rural areas of the Kemerovo Region / E.G. Kolesnikova, Т.D. Chekmeneva // Technique and technology of food production. - 2016.- T.43.- No. 4.- P.164-171
15. Kupina, EP, "The Level and Quality of Food Consumption in the Amur Region," Far-Eastern Agricultural Bulletin. -No. 4 (12). - 2009. - P. 72-75
16. Romanyuk MA The main problems of ensuring food security in the conditions of import substitution and differentiation of the population by income / MA Romanyuk, EA Raevskaya // International Scientific Research Journal. - 2017. - No. 12 (54) Part 5. - P. 191-197. doi: 10.18454 / IRJ.2016.54.12
17. Regions of Russia: Stat. Sat. In 2 volumes - Moscow: Goskomstat of Russia, 2017. - T. 2. - 1040 p.
18. Pastushenko S.B. Regional features of the formation of living standards of the population of the Amur Region // Far Eastern Agricultural Bulletin. - 2007. - №2. - P.106-110
2. Baranenko SP, Busygin K.D. Ensuring food security based on the development of planning and forecasting their activities // Economics and society: modern models of development. No. 8-1. - 2014. - P.149-160
3. Yunusova P.S. Regional level of food security: specifics, security factors // National inter-ests: priorities and security. - 2009. - No. 16. - P.59-64
4. Rodomanskaya S.A. Preservation of soil safety of agricultural lands of the Amur Region as a basis for regional food security // AgroEcoInfo: network journal. - 2018. [Electronic re-source]. (application date: 04/19/2018)
5. Official site of the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Amur Re-gion [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of the appeal: 05/10/2018)
6. The site of the Government of the Amur Region [Electronic resource]. - iogv / ministry / prr / report / (circulation date 15.01.2018)
7. Pashina LL, Ensuring the food security of the region // Far-Ages Agricultural Bulletin. - 2010. - No. 4 (16). - P.66-74
8. Dontsov AV, Rodomanskaya SA, Shirokov VA Regional aspects of erosion of agricultural lands and land use of the Amur Region. - Blagoveshchensk: DalGaU. - 2010. - 273 with.
9. Pashina L. L. Features of the food market in the Amur region // Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University .- Т. 76.- № 2.- 2011.- P. 96-101.
10. Antamoshkina, E.N., Evaluation of Food Security in the Region: Questions of Methodology, Food Policy and Security .- Т. 2.- No. 2.-2015. - P. 97-112
11. Nesterova SI Integral assessment of food security in the region (by the example of the Sama-ra Region) // Statistics and Economics .- No. 6.- 2015.- P. 95-99
12. Ibragimov M.-T. A., Doholyan S. V. Methodical approaches to assessing the condition of food security of the region // Regional problems of economic transformation. - No. 4. - 2010. - P. 172-193
13. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2010 No. 120 "On the Ap-proval of the Doctrine of food security of the Russian Federation" // SZ RF. - 2010. - No. 5. - Art. 502
14. Kolesnikova E.G. The level of self-sufficiency of food as a criterion for the performance of the productive function of rural areas of the Kemerovo Region / E.G. Kolesnikova, Т.D. Chekmeneva // Technique and technology of food production. - 2016.- T.43.- No. 4.- P.164-171
15. Kupina, EP, "The Level and Quality of Food Consumption in the Amur Region," Far-Eastern Agricultural Bulletin. -No. 4 (12). - 2009. - P. 72-75
16. Romanyuk MA The main problems of ensuring food security in the conditions of import substitution and differentiation of the population by income / MA Romanyuk, EA Raevskaya // International Scientific Research Journal. - 2017. - No. 12 (54) Part 5. - P. 191-197. doi: 10.18454 / IRJ.2016.54.12
17. Regions of Russia: Stat. Sat. In 2 volumes - Moscow: Goskomstat of Russia, 2017. - T. 2. - 1040 p.
18. Pastushenko S.B. Regional features of the formation of living standards of the population of the Amur Region // Far Eastern Agricultural Bulletin. - 2007. - №2. - P.106-110