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Арсен Нариманович Куртнезиров Анна Евгеньевна Хаджиди


In the article, a study was made of the water-physical properties of pebble soils under irrigation. The studies were carried out on an experimental plot, which is part of the agricultural land of Selkhoz-Galan LLC, Kurganinsky District, Krasnodar Territory, in 2019-2021. The Kurganinsky district is located in the steppe zone of the Krasnodar Territory and, due to its soil and climatic conditions, is one of the regions where irrigation is a significant and stabilizing factor in agricultural production. The study of the water-physical properties of soils during irrigation was carried out to determine the pore space, the solid phase of the soil and water permeability. The data of microaggregate analysis testify to the fragile state of the microstructure of the studied soils and the low potential ability of the soil to structure. There is a slight increase in the dispersion factor and a decrease in the water resistance of microaggregates in the subsurface layer of these soils, compared with the arable layer, which is associated with an increase in stoniness down the profile. Experimental data on the water permeability of soils are presented, which made it possible to draw conclusions that failure filtration is observed on this type of soil. The rain intensity of irrigation equipment should not exceed 0.61 mm/min for alluvial meadow soils under the conditions of the experimental site. When using soils of a site for irrigated arable land and developing an irrigation regime, it should be taken into account that alluvial meadow medium loamy medium pebble soils absorb and filter 1.90 mm/min of moisture per hour, this ensures the absorption of rainfall, and the water permeability of the soil is assessed as high. Drying of medium loamy alluvial meadow soils occurs faster than that of light clayey soils. Alluvial meadow medium loamy medium pebble soils are characterized by increased water permeability and aeration. Therefore, when calculating the irrigation regime, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments for the moisture deficit in the soil.

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Land economics and policies


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