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Игорь Александрович Приходько Александр Эдуардович Сергеев Яна Алексеевна Комсюкова


Rice is one of the most valuable agricultural crops. It is in the forefront of the food balance of most countries. This implies the need to increase the yield of this grain crop. The amount of rice obtained depends on many factors. Rice cultivation requires many factors to be taken into account in order to obtain a large yield. These include climatic conditions, the physical properties of the soil, a rationally designed rice irrigation system, as well as an integral companion and an effective method for increasing the numerical values of the yield indicator is the use of various fertilizers, since the application of fertilizers allows them to replenish the nutrients in the soil necessary for the development crops throughout the growing season. A rationally selected scheme for the use of fertilizers allows you to increase the yield by several times, thereby increasing the revenue from the product and recouping the costs of fertilizers. The article below describes the experiments on the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers during the growing season of rice, as well as their impact on the yield, growth, and development of this agricultural crop. Also, in the article, by conducting field experiments, the dynamics of the content of potassium in the soil during the cultivation of rice was considered. For the formation of the rice crop, a significant amount of basic nutrients is needed, potassium is one of them. Rice is sensitive to the lack of this element. During the growing season, it consumes a large absolute amount of potassium from the soil, much more than nitrogen.

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Food science


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