Main Article Content
Small forms of management are an important institution of a diversified agro-food complex. The importance of state regulation and support for the sustainable development of farms is due to its significant contribution to ensuring the country's food security, promoting employment, and preserving the peculiarities of the national way of life in the countryside. The purpose of the study is to study, analyze and generalize the theoretical and methodological provisions and develop practical recommendations for improving the effective functioning of peasant (farm) farms. The article highlights the features of the organizational and legal form, ways of creating and functioning of farms, strengths and weaknesses of this form of agribusiness. The issues of specialization of peasant farms, factors of its choice and form are considered in detail. The issue of scientific substantiation of the combination of industries has been studied. The possibilities of state support for farms are highlighted. The state support of small agribusiness is analyzed. The conclusion is made about the prospects for the development of peasant farms as part of a diversified agro-food complex.
Article Details
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