Main Article Content
Taking into account the fact that more than a quarter of the population of Russia lives in rural areas, the authorities are forced to make specific strategic decisions that contribute to the welfare of rural residents. The purpose of the study is to study the methodological provisions of the formation of an individual trajectory of integrated development of rural areas and the development of priority areas of socio-economic development of rural suburban areas. To achieve the goal, a list of the following tasks is defined: a review of scientific approaches to the issue under study; development of an algorithm for the formation of an individual trajectory for the integrated development of rural territories; determination of development priorities in the formation of a strategy for the socio-economic development of rural territories on the example of Plotnikovsky Village Council of the Novosibirsk district of the Novosibirsk region. Novosibirsk region. The work uses a set of scientific methods: monographic, abstract-logical, economic-statistical, comparative analysis, as well as advanced SWOT analysis and the method of expert assessments. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the development of an algorithm for the development of an individual trajectory for the integrated development of rural areas. Results. The analysis made it possible to identify strengths and weaknesses in the studied area, as well as to identify and evaluate possible external positive influences and dangers. Based on the rating assessment, the main directions of the territory's development were formulated, which served as the basis for the development of strategic priorities based on the factors and potential of the territory's development. Priorities are revealed through an interconnected system of strategic goals, for the achievement of which tasks are set. Conclusions. The results of the study were used in the development of a draft Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Plotnikovsky Village Council of the Novosibirsk district of the Novosibirsk region for the period up to 2035. The integrated development of the agricultural sector of the economy and rural areas requires the preparation and use of a strategic approach.
Article Details
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