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Рафаил Рувинович Мухаметзянов Николай Геннадьевич Платоновский Ахмед Мухабович Хежев Наталья Вячеславовна Чекмарева Елена Николаевна Васильева Людмила Александровна Свиридова Дмитрий Владимирович Снегирев


. As part of this scientific work, we studied the change for 1961-2020. volumes of international trade in fruit and berry products both in kind (physical) and in monetary (value) terms. It was found that over the past sixty years in the world there has been a significant increase in these indicators. Globalization has contributed to the fact that producers of fruits, berries and nuts from different countries are increasingly competing with each other. Gradually increased specialization and concentration of production in countries with more favorable natural conditions. As a result, on the one hand, this led to a reduction in the gross harvest of fruit and berry products in countries located in a relatively harsh climate. On the other hand, due to the increase in production volumes in countries located in the equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical zones, and the growth of export supplies from them, the parameters of the national markets for fruits, berries, nuts and their processed products in the northern states have increased both quantitatively and assortment. This is especially true for the part of the population that lives in metropolitan areas and large cities. The article also reflects the countries that are the main exporters and importers of fruit and berry products, shows the role of Russia in these processes.

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Food science


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