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Наталья Владимировна Литвиненко


Research on a given topic is relevant, since questions on the organization of land use for its intended purpose and, accordingly, up-to-date data on the organization of land use in the Yalutorovsky district are necessary for the development of this territory. The analysis showed that the largest area of lands of settlements falls on the territory of the Petelinsky rural settlement – 12.62%, and the smallest value was recorded in the Karabashsky rural settlement – 3.12%. Studies on the use of land within the boundaries of the settlements of the Yalutorovsky district showed that the territory of the Zinovsky settlement has the highest percentage of development and development. There is a need to change the administrative-territorial structure of the Berkutsk rural settlement. An analysis of the social infrastructure showed that the existing provision satisfies the needs of the population in the region. Industrial land: the largest area is located in the rural settlements of Aslaninsky – 13.65%, Petelino – 13.08%, Starokavdyksky – 11.46%, Pamyatninsky – 10.67%, the smallest value falls on the share of Berkutsky rural settlement – 3.65 %. The existing road network as a whole provides transport accessibility to settlements, but the quality of the road surface in most of the sections does not meet modern requirements and is assessed as satisfactory. This is a significant factor hindering the development of the territory. The development of residential quarters is envisaged by streamlining and compacting existing buildings, developing free territories. Taking into account the peculiarities of the Yalutorovsky district and the existing system of land use and land tenure, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures aimed at rational use of land and sustainable development of the territory. For example, to develop tourism, taking into account the development of a network of protected areas.

Article Details

Land economics and policies


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