Main Article Content
This article shows the results of measuring the beta-carotene, lycopene, ascorbic acid and sugar levels, acidity and other indicators in tomato fruits grown using Organic and Double Roots, biological products manufactured by Bioelements Ltd (York, UK) and containing spore-forming soil bacilli, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi. The products are certified for use in organic agriculture by the Soil Association (UK). The research results demonstrate that the use of these biological products contributes to an increase in the content of powerful antioxidants (lycopene and beta-carotene) and sugar in tomato fruits; such indicators as taste index, dry matter content, and mineral content have also increased.
Article Details
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2. Zavalin A.A. The use of biologics in the cultivation of field crops,
3. Dostizheniya nauki i tehniki APK [Scientific and Technological Achievements in the Agricultural Industry], 2011. No.8. – P. 9-11
4. Ivanov A.L. Innovation priorities in the development of agricultural systems in Russia (Report 1), Plodorodiye [Land Fertility Journ.], 2011. No. 4. – P. 2-6
5. Karuzo D., Golubkina N.A., Seredin T.M., Sellito V.L. Application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in onion cultivation, Ovoshi Rossii [Vegetable Crops of Russia Journ.], 2018. No. 2. – P. 17-23
6. Mironova E.V., Maryin G.S. Bioproducts in tomato cultivation,
7. Zashita and karantin rasteniy [Plant Protection and Quarantine Journ.], – 2008. No. 2. –P. 7.
8. Guidance for the quality and safety assurance of of biologically active dietary supplements, Moscow: Russian Ministry of Health, 2004. – P. 239.
9. Khromova L.M. Application of Zavyaz growth regulator to tomato varieties on different ripening stages, Agrotechnical Methods for Crop Protection Against Pathogens (the 5th International Science Conference). Krasnodar, 2011. – P. 337–339.
10. Chupakhina G.N., Ascorbic Acid System in Plants. Kaliningrad, 1997. Page 120.
11. Yarovoi G.I., Kuzmenko V.I., Biological and Economic Effectiveness of Bioproducts and Growth Regulators in Tomato Disease Control, Ovoshi Rossii [Vegetable Crops of Russia Journ.], 2017. No 1 (34). – P. 92-96
12. Anand P., Runnumakata A.B., Sundaram C., Harikumar K.B., Tharakan S.T., Lai O.S., Sung B., Aggarwal B.B. Cancer is preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes //Pharm Res. - 2008. Vol. 25(9). - P. 2097-2126.
13. Dinar M. Stevens M. A. The relationship between starch accumulation and soluble solids content of tomato fruits // J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. – 1981. 106 (4) – P. 415–418.
14. DiMascio P., Kaiser S., Sies H. Lycopene as the most effective biological carotenoid singlet oxygen quencher //Arch Biochem Biophys. - 1989. Vol. 274. - P. 532-538.
15. Navez B., Letard M., Grasselly D., Jost M. (1999). Les crite res de qualite de la tomate // Infos -Tifl. – 1999. Vol. 155. – Р. 41-47.