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Борис Александрович Воронин Ирина Павловна Чупина Яна Викторовна Воронина Елена Васильевна Зарубина Наталья Николаевна Симачкова


The topic of managing a modern agricultural organization or enterprise is relevant from a scientific and practical point of view, since new forms of management will also require new approaches to the formation and development of a management system for modern production and economic activities in the agricultural sector of the economy.

The purpose of this scientific work is to study the state of management of a modern agricultural organization in the context of transformations in the agricultural sector of the economy.

The objectives of the study are due to the analysis of management efficiency in agricultural organizations that exist in various organizational and legal forms of management.

The scientific novelty of the topic of this study lies in the analysis of the state and development of management in agricultural organizations that have never previously existed in Russia or functioned in the Soviet period.

The theoretical significance of this work is due to the fact that the research materials complement economic science in terms of introducing new knowledge about the management of agricultural organizations in the context of transformations in the economy of the Russian Federation and in the world. The practical significance is associated with the possibility of using the research material by the agricultural management and regulation bodies, as well as in the educational process in agricultural education institutions.

The methods used in the article are the methods of analysis and synthesis that the authors use in the conclusions of this article. The article also uses the method of generalization when comparing agricultural organizations and the economic and legal method.

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