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Константин Семенович Терновых Людмила Анатольевна Запорожцева Наталья Викторовна Леонова Лариса Дмитриевна Панкратова Алена Леонидовна Маркова


The results of the study of the state and trends in the development of the horticulture industry in Russia at the present stage are presented. Since, in accordance with the doctrine of food security, independence in the production of fruits and berries is achieved only by providing its own production with horticultural products by at least 60%, special attention is paid to the production of high-quality fruit and berry products, support for agricultural producers. The analysis showed that over the period 1990-2021, the positive dynamics is the growth of the gross apple harvest by 951.3 thousand tons, and the production in all categories of farms reached the largest volumes in 2021 – 2607.2 thousand tons, i.e., providing the population with fruit products of its own production and bringing the industry to a modern level can contribute to its transition to intensive technologies, designed to obtain a high-quality planned harvest in a continuous production process management system. There is no doubt that the introduction of promising production and technological solutions will make it possible to accelerate the process of import substitution and bring the industry to a self-sufficient level. In addition, the application of innovations in the horticulture industry can be achieved by implementing the main directions of structural adjustment and the implementation of innovation policy in the field of biotechnology.

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Food science


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